Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Approaching the Half

I feel like I have no time to do anything--work is insane and I spend all my free time playing and snuggling with the most adorable baby in the whole universe. Hence, the lack of updates here.

Izzy is quickly approaching her first half-birthday! I cannot even explain how fast it seems like the time has gone by. I struggle with going to work each day and missing things--she changes so much every day.

Today, when we got to school, Izzy's teachers mentioned that they might be moving her up into the next class with the bigger kids a little ahead of schedule (they usually wait until the 6-month mark and then evaluate whether the child is ready). I think they need to shuffle kids around to accomodate new babies, but it really took me by surprise. First, her teachers are amazing--we love how much they love our baby, and they give us great updates about her days. Second, how is she possibly old enough to move into the next class??? My tiny infant newborn!

So I had a rough morning of it, just thinking about whether she was ready for all of that! I think she is--socially, she will be fine, and she'll learn a ton from the older babies. I will just have to adjust a bit.

In other news--we are starting to hear her laugh more and more! She thinks we are pretty funny--daddy more than me. It's almost impossible to keep from smiling when you hear her little giggle. So here's an example of Izzy's adorable giggle:

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