Sunday, March 13, 2011

Flashback: The First Best Day Ever

The Second Best Day Ever was December 7th, when we got to hold Elizabeth Suzanne Blythe for the first time, but I thought it was worth mentioning that I had the First Best Day Ever not very long ago.

On October 16th, in our living room, Aaron Blythe made me the happiest I have ever been by becoming my husband. Our families were there (well, my sister and her husband, and Aaron's best friend and his wife, were in attendance via Skype, but they were pretty close to actually there) and our friend Larry was the officiant.

It was very simple--we rearranged the furniture a bit, and Aaron bought some mums to decorate the space. Larry spoke some beautiful words about us and our union, and there we were, husband and wife!

Aaron wore his flip flops, linen pants, and a blazer (probably the only time I've seen him voluntarily get that dressed up for anything). I wore the only really "dressy" shirt that fit me at 8 months pregnant and some black dress pants.

We wrote our own vows the week before--which was a wonderful discussion about the things that are important to us, and what we wanted to promise to each other in front of witnesses.

It was fun to surprise everyone the Monday after with the news. We are thinking about a reception sometime in the spring if we can get our acts together and plan it, but who knows how that will go with a new baby around!

Aaron is truly my best friend and my partner--it feels amazing to make the commitment to each other to support and love and laugh with each other for the rest of our lives. I'm excited about our future, and blessed to have him by my side on the journey.

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