Monday, June 21, 2010

Too Big For My Britches!

Well, I knew it would happen...15 weeks pregnant and I am starting to get a little too big for my britches! In other words, only one pair of my pre-pregnancy jeans now fit around my growing belly! I have bought some maternity jeans, and a glorious invention called the Bella Band,
and I am making it work (as Tim Gunn would say).

It's a little frustrating--I STILL don't really FEEL pregnant. I have always carried my excess weight around my waist, so it kind of just feels like I am getting fatter, and I can't suck it in the way I used to. In fact, today, as I stood in front of the mirror getting dressed, I tried to pull my abs in, and it was a little painful! I suppose I should just get over it--there' a baby in there (as Aaron keeps graciously reminding me).

Aaron's cousin Pam lent us her baby heart monitor--maybe that will help. Listening to the baby's heart on a regular basis might make me feel more like I'm pregnant, not just fat! :)

1 comment:

  1. yea for bella bands. i used mine quite a bit. :)

    as far as not feeling pregnant---just say a huge prayer of thanks for that one. because in the first tri-mester or so, the only way you will "feel" preggo is if you feel like CRAP. and that sucks. i felt like puking my everlovin guts out every moment of every day for 16 weeks. ick ick ick. so, i am super happy you feel so good!!!

    give that little cupcake a pat for me!
