Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Going Public

Welcome to my blog, family and friends! I've been writing just a little here and there since February--since Aaron and I seriously started trying to start a family. I can't promise this will be incredibly insightful, but I hope you enjoy seeing what I'm thinking along the way. Maybe I'll even talk Aaron into guest-posting one of these days. I hope you enjoy it!


  1. i'm so excited for you. being a mom is the best (and hardest) thing i have ever done, hands down. reading some of your posts was like reliving my early preg. months. praise the sweet Lord you don't have morning sickness (or maybe you do now--preg is like that, things can change overnight). i had it BAD for almost 16 weeks. ick.

    i would really like to get together with you next time you are down here and pass along some essentials goodies. :)

    you might already have this, but i thought i'd offer just in case. when you get closer to d-day, if you need some insider info--the nitty gritty details that no one really tells you about birth and post-birth--i'd be happy to hook you up. there was a lot that REALLY took me by surprise and i wished someone had laid it out for me so that i could just be prepared. you might already have those bases covered, but just in case, i thought i'd offer!

    you will be a great mom and i can't wait to meet that little person inside of you!

  2. I am so excited for you... Enjoy your day because this might be the last birthday that is 100% about you... at least for a while. Next year you will be feeding and diapering. Hahaha

    It will be here faster than you realize... being a mom is so great.
