Tuesday, June 22, 2010


The knitting girls (if you don't know already, I get together with a group of my favorite ladies and knit on Sunday mornings) informed me that they need a nickname for the baby, so we can quit saying "it" when we refer to him or her. AP called her little one "Nugget" before he was born, and Missy called her baby "Peanut" before she finally made an appearance.

At our knitters' weekend to Tablerock Lake a few weekends ago, AP suggested the name Cupcake, since I LOVE cupcakes (a ridiculous amount).

Aaron, my sweet fiancé, even asked if he could marry me and our little Cupcake when he proposed last week. (Insert chorus of "aw!" here.)

So we're going with that—Cupcake. Today, Cupcake decided that the curried tofu salad sandwich and fruit that I thought looked good in the cafeteria was not what he or she wanted to eat for lunch, so instead I ate oatmeal raisin cookies and a cherry-flavored Blow Pop. Healthy.


  1. Love it! Considering you gave us cupcakes to announce your pregnancy, I think this is very fitting :)

  2. Too sweet! Little cupcake will be a him or a her before you know it!
