Wednesday, April 21, 2010

First Blush

So, I'm at the orthodontist today, getting my braces off (phew, glad I got that done BEFORE I have a child—I'm not sure I could take myself very seriously if I had braces and a baby). I'd been there for hours—they took off my braces, fit me for retainers, then wanted to take some photos of my beautifully aligned teeth and what have you. I sit for some photographs (completely jealous of the flashes they had on their Canon, by the way), and then the tech says to me, "Okay, do you mind taking off your earrings? We're going to do some head x-rays."

I thought nothing of it and started to take my earrings out, and then the tech says, "You're not expecting, right?"

I froze. Because I am! I forget sometimes—I've been feeling really good: a little tired, and smells seem stronger to me than usual, but other than that, it doesn't really FEEL like I'm pregnant.

But I didn't quite know what to do—I haven't been to see the doctor yet, and I'm a worry-wart anyway, so I don't want to be telling everyone until the doctor says things look normal, but since I AM pregnant, I don't want to get x-rays taken and risk any harm to my fetus. Conundrum.

So, kind of sheepishly, I said, "Actually, I am." She looked a little surprised—so I said, "I'm only about six weeks—so don't tell anyone!" She smiled and told me she'd need to tell the doctor so that he doesn't wonder, but we won't tell anyone else.

We proceed to tell the doctor (a great orthodontist, if you're looking for one in the Liberty area, let me know) and then I get congratulated by him and the tech and two hygienists! I blushed a little—explaining I am newly pregnant and haven't been to the doc and all of that. The doc said it is funny that he accidentally happens to be the first person people end up telling a lot of the time…but how awkward!

I texted Aaron while I waited for my retainers: "Just had to tell the orthodontist I am pregnant so they wouldn't take x-rays. Can't believe the first person I told was an x-ray tech."

Just another funny story that I'll be able to share later—when I can tell EVERYONE!


  1. One of the first people I told was also an x-ray tech! I had to get a test done for something else. I felt like a poser, pretending to be pregnant, because I was like 5 weeks. Like they say though, there's no such thing as kinda pregnant!

  2. How funny! I'm SO happy & excited for you and will love to keep up with your feelings and pregnancy updates and other happenings on your blog. God bless you & Aaron and your baby on this journey. You guys will be awesome parents - I just can't wait to meet the gal (or guy :)!!!
