Thursday, April 29, 2010

The Tiniest Heartbeat

Aaron and I went yesterday for my initial prenatal appointment with my obstetrician. I have been nervous…I have mentioned before that aside from being very tired, I don't really FEEL pregnant. I haven't had any morning sickness whatsoever, and it just seems like I should feel something different. To have some inherent knowledge that I am pregnant…or a big letter P burning on my forehead.

So I was excited and nervous to go to the doctor—I wanted to hear good news, of course, and had no reason to think that I wouldn't, but one never knows, right?

Anyway, my doctor is very matter of fact, and asked us if we are going to get married…I suppose there will be PLENTY of times we'll be asked that question over the next year. (In case you are wondering, the answer is maybe we will, maybe we won't. Stay tuned.) After a regular exam, we went to have a sonogram to measure the size of the baby and estimate how long I had been pregnant. THAT was amazing.

On the screen we could see a little blobby shape that was the baby, inside it's little blobby amniotic sac, and the best part—there was this fluttery movement on the screen, which was the baby's heartbeat. At 7 weeks and 3 days, a heartbeat! Aaron held my hand and we were both pretty quiet…like I said, amazing. The heartbeat was strong and in perfect range at 154 beats a minute, and the rest we will just wait to see! It feels like I've been waiting my entire life to see that on the screen.

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