Thursday, September 23, 2010

Still Kickin'

Me, the blog, and the kid are still here, in case you were wondering.

People are always asking me if the baby is active, and let me just tell you—the answer is YES! This little girl is a whirlwind already—there is hardly a time of day that she ISN'T kicking me. The doctor recommended that I keep track of how often she kicks by counting the amount of time it takes her to get to 10. It's usually around 30 minutes, but sometimes she kicks that many times in 5 minutes!

I feel it all day whether I am sitting or standing or walking or lying down. It's quite enjoyable, but it is SO weird. That something—no, someONE—is in there, flipping and turning and kicking and punching and stretching. A whole person, who will be born in around 12 weeks! WEIRD.

The only part that makes me wrinkle my nose a bit is when she pushes directly on my belly button (which, in other news, is getting smaller every day) from the inside. It always makes me kind of squirmy when someone, even me, pokes my belly button from the outside—and it's just as weird when Cupcake does it from the inside.

Otherwise, I adore feeling her move, and I think I'll be a little bit sad when I don't get to feel it any more. Though I do wonder if she'll ever take naps…

1 comment:

  1. Have you experienced the baby having hiccups yet? That's crazy stuff.
